Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I went back and was reading some articles and actual came across a blog post of mine from a while back. It spoke to me today just as it had the day that I wrote it so I thought I would share it again.

Today is a crazy day for me. It seems I have those more and more these days. With my husbands unpredictable schedule and the kids having to run 3,000 directions it's a wonder my hair doesn't turn gray faster.

I was driving to the post office from the unit today and had the Christian radio station on. I wasn't really listening it. I was constantly breaking up the fight in the back seat. The part that I did hear made me sit up and pay attention. Like God was breaking up the fight in my head. Clearing out the long list of to do's so I could hear him.

The DJ was talking about sports teams and how some people feel that when you speak of a team you shouldn't say we. Like 'we need to get a new quarterback.' You should say them or the team name. A well known sports person(I don't remember his name-it's not important in this story anyway)said that he felt like he could say we. Simply because he supported that team through tickets sales, merchandise and watching them on TV.

The DJ said we can apply this to our life with Christ. We go to church and we talk about the church and the pastor like we are a part of the team. We cheer on the worship music, listen to the pastor and leave. Are you really on the team? Are you simply a fan of Jesus or are you really in the game? Are you actively spreading the word of God? Are you on God's team or cheering from the sidelines?

That hit me. It made me sit up. I would like to think I am on the team but am I really? God got my attention. It was another of those frying pan to head moments. I challenge you to think about your walk with God. Are you on the team or just a fan?

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