Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh Lord, Surprise me today!

Okay, so I remember talking about the 30 day Faith Experiment book. I remember reading it and most of what it's about. Over the past few days I have been thinking about it. I need to dig it out of the box of books in the garage.

The last couple of days I kept feeling defeated. I still have this overwhelming feeling. A feeling like CMWTR isn't going to matter in the long run. Then I hear God whisper trust me. Follow Me. My response to God is, I'm trying but why me? Why this? I know I shouldn't ask God that but I do. There are so many resources for spouses why is CMWTR going to make a difference in the long run? But like I talked about on the show this week there are so many resources but not very many for the Christian spouse. I know that God will bless the effort. I know that God will lead the way. I have to stop dragging my heels.

I sent an email to MSCCN(Military Spouse Corporate Career Network) founder about appearing on our show and she is going to have Amy from MSCCN come and talk to us. Plus they are putting up a link to the web-site and the show. That is truly God's work. It was an obedient blessing. I felt prompted to contact MSCCN a few days ago and didn't. Then I felt prompted again yesterday. I did contact them and VIOLA! Take the step. God can't bless efforts that aren't there. He will give you obedient blessings. Look for your opportunity to be obedient today.

1 comment:

  1. Shannon - you are to be commended for your work towards the betterment of military families. We (MSCCN) will certainly place your link and logo on our site in total support of your Organization. Your web post dated Thursday, April 23, truly moved my Team and I. God truly does exists in the workplace. Deb Kloeppel
